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May has been another fantastic month for Fundación Mariposas Amarillas! In regards to donations received from our weekly Quiz Night at La Brisa Loca hostel we made 434,150COP. With these donations we have reached our goal to buy a cooler for the school, so a huge Thank You to La Brisa Loca for hosting our quiz night! Every week owners Ryan and Evan Dore donate prizes for the winners and the best group name and we have a lot of fun making money for a great cause and spreading the word about FMA.

We continue to collect food donations from Ouzo every Wednesday which allows us to make a delicious meal for the kids on Thursdays and Fridays and to provide rice, eggs and plantain on Mondays and Tuesdays. On Wednesdays we buy fruit for the kids with money supplemented from the quiz fund. The kids love snack time, although most days volunteers are met with cries of "más sal porfa!"

Classes this month have continued with the curriculum we outlined last month, with the addition of a Star Board for good behaviour where the kids can pick a small toy once they reach 10 stars. The first kids to earn their reward loved the pens and toy cars and spurred on the others who hadn’t quite reached 10. A massive Thank You to our fantastic volunteers Miriam, Emma, Laura and Lisa who worked so hard at the school this month and of course to our Volunteer Coordinator Helga. Outside of the classroom, Amanda has been working hard writing proposals for potential international funding while Sarah has been updating the website. Have a look at some past volunteer profiles in our testimonies page, and if you would like to see your own experience volunteering with FMA on the website please don’t hesitate to get in touch.

A few weeks ago local Santa Marta resident and regular Quiz Night guest MC Bob Hart came up to the school to see the foundation he does such a fantastic job raising money for each week. The kids loved having Bob with them for the day, especially when he brought out his drone to take pictures of the kids. The kids had a great time chasing the drone around the playing field in Fundadores.

This month we were sad to say goodbye to Lisa from the United States who spent a month in the FMA classroom (visit our testimonies to read about Lisa’s experience with FMA) and Laura from Colombia who spent several weeks helping in classes and revamping various FMA designs. However, we were excited towelcome Emma from the UK, Sebastian and Kelsey from Canada and Vera from Germany. We look forward to the arrival of not only more volunteers in June but also our Director Oscar Cortes who arrives at the start of the month.


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